最近,在我们东芝这白色监牢里流行着一句话:“NO HOPE。”
我们这日本子公司的风气一直以来都没什么好,这多少也要归功于我们高级管理层的英明,因为他们完全保留着“骂是爱”的传统,而不停的乱骂人。他们最喜欢用电邮的方式来扫射,然后CC给全世界。不过,我们还挺自在的如果不是在骂我们,好像在看小孩子玩乐般,有好些例子供参考:“他们会以很简短的电邮,写着XX没希望,XX 没脑等,否则还会“发烂砸”的写些没意义的“这Project不行了,没希望,不准继续,我不喜欢这种态度或很多为什么,为什么,为什么等等等”。。。最重要的是他们还会用不同的颜色highlighted, 再bold起来,然后还要将font放大。搞到整篇电邮看起来鲜血淋淋的。。。
我们反而觉得被这些人管理的公司才真的No Hope 。 或许,他们真的该上一上什么MBA管理课程吧,难道他们不晓得人心是重要的一环吗?再说,上梁不正,真的就下梁歪咧,我们的一号人物,二号人物,和那些日本主管全都很喜欢打桌子,口出狂言,或着撕裂般的呐喊,或许我们唯有当作他们的语言能力不是很好,老是会骂人笨或没希望而已,又或许他们太直接了,不是故意的,然而,看了那么多日剧,总是觉得他们的文化很有礼貌又谦虚,看来大家都被骗了。他们说ok 未必就是好,静不代表没意见,他们只是不懂表达或不想表达而已!反之,同样是日本公司的新力前公司却没有这等无聊事件发生。再不检讨,看来真的是没希望了。。。
突然发现No Hope这两个字异常可爱,总比Hopeless还来得好一些。:p
YS, now u know sony good leh...regret ah? come back lah.....haha...
I think you can find this condition in many of the companies...
Sony also hv one, BMW...
hello Xiao Jie
why so many complain #$%#^$%&*%&*$%*$&$&^#^%&I&*(&*^*&^&*%&*%^
sony is much better than Toshiba? or same or ???
Mi Tan, Leong;
Before or after i leave the company, i always said SONY is good de ma..is true...but is time for me to leave , no choice..haha..and i am not complaining la, just sharing...btw, who is BMW?
BWM is our famous production boss...famous for scolding ppl like a dog..
In his eye, he is god and others all are rubish....
But np, as long as the bosses like him, no matter how rude and crazy he is, still will be promotted...
Luckily u dont hv chance to work with him.
Famous words fr. him:
(1)My xfer here is to scold all of u
(2) Get out fr. production! Get out!
(3) U all are useless and stupid
(4) I will soon kick u out fr. u chair
(5) I will ask Japan to change all your bosses..
and many many others....
MI Tan, is it our new boss at Sony?? or already long time just i never deal with him?luckily....Those famous word really no hope ler...haha
Haha, that's ur boss.
So far I didn't heard "No hope" out from my boss mouth, but just "Baka"... "Aho"...
Menhwa, what is Aho?? haha..yeah thats my good boss ma.
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